man and woman-exegesis of biblical texts

By - manan251

1 Cor 11:5b,6 Why Paul is not being nasty. Why Paul is not saying that a woman not wearing a headcovering is like a prostitute. A practical reason and an exegetical reason.

It is nearly universally stated that Paul is comparing a woman without a head-covering (in church) to a a woman with a shaved head (presumably a prostitute). It thus seems that Paul is being exceedingly nasty, in that he is saying that the uncovered woman in church is just the same as (one and the same) a loose woman. It

By - manan251

Series of 5 Articles: And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 5/5. Adam the image of God – the key to knowing God.

5 Article Series.    And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 5.    Adam the image of God—the key to knowing God. We know God by looking at Adam. Referencing back to article 2 In article 2 we left the text of Genesis 1 with two similar singularity/plurality enigmas, one in regard to man (or more correctly in regard

By - manan251

Series of 5 Articles. And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 4/5. The details of gender and the image of God.

5 Article Series.    And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 4.   The details of Gender and the image of God. In the previous article I concluded that essential sameness and differentiated personhood are mutually inclusive. That is, you cannot have one without the other. Thus, differentiated personhood is not just an incidental, rather, it is fundamental

By - manan251

Series of 5 Articles. And God said “Let Us make Adam in Our image” Article 3/5. The solution to the enigma and the content of the image of God.

Series.    And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 3.   The solution to the enigma and the content of the image of God.   Adam is from the ground. In Genesis 2, we are given an in-depth look at Adam and so it is there that we find our answer to the singularity/plurality enigma of Genesis 1 and

By - manan251

Series. And God said “Let Us make Adam in Our image” Article 2/5. The enigma of Adam being singular and plural.

5 Article Series.    And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. Article 2.  The enigma of Adam being singular and plural. The problem In the previous article, we looked at how the text compels us to translate adam of 1:26 and 2:5, not as mankind, but as Adam. However, if we do so, Genesis 1 seems to say some

By - manan251

Series of 5 articles. And God said “Let Us make Adam in Our image” Article 1/5. Is it really mankind who is the image of God?

Series of 5 Articles.    And God said: Let us make Adam in our image. [Note: Towards the end of this first article, is a direct link to the second article. And at the end of the second articles is a direct link to the third article etc….] Article 1.    Is it really mankind who is made in the image of

By - manan251

Introduction to and Summary of the 5 Article Series “And God said: Let us make Adam in Our image”.

My 5 article series plus the two appendices are my detailed explanation of Genesis 1 to 5 and of what the text means by the image of God and hence of man and woman. This is the summarised version. My Thesis. I am proposing both a new interpretation of Genesis 1 & 2 and a new understanding of the image

By - manan251

Appendix 1b. Text of Genesis 1:26 to 5:6 modified to distinguish the words “ha-adam” and “man – ish”.

Below you will find a modified NASB translation for most of the text from Genesis 1:26 through to 5:3 It is very helpful to read this version as it will show the proper connections between the groundperson/Groundperson and the ground and it does not keep putting man (generic or corporate) in the text as do many of the translations, when

By - manan251

Appendix 1a. Notes and analysis on all the instances of “adam” and “ha-adam” in Genesis 1 to 5.

Notes and analysis on all the instances of “adam” and “ha-adam” in Genesis 1 to 5. INTRODUCTION In Genesis 1 to 5, there are really only 2 terms referring to people used with the Hebrew “adam” in them. They are “adam” and “ha-adam”. The “ha” is the article and means “the”. There are about 25 uses of “ha-adam” and there

By - manan251

Article 5 1 Cor 11:2-16 Working out the Structure.

Working out the Structure of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 The 4 Types of Literature. Now, this is a detailed and intricate passage.  It seems to have theology in it,  it seems to have commands, it seems to have an argument from nature,  it has an argument based on what other churches are doing,  it even seems (some say) to have a